While there is no full walkthrough for the delivery task that I know of, you can check the deliveries in the key item inventory. The item descriptions tell you who should receive them.
Their grapple causes it (instead of repeating until game-over), so the Present Yourself option is the fastest way. You may need over 50 STM initially, so that there’s no game-over from the first round.
They will also do it after stripping all armour and arousing Grove though, so once Grove’s posture is broken (<50% HP), he’s in danger of it happening involuntarily.
and also im sorry if this is a lot of questions but how do you get >= 10 corruption before post game 0.12 or can you go back later after you have >= 10 corruption?
Yes, same problem that DillPexe had. Head back to the cliffside where you first gain control of Grove at the very beginning of the game and from there you can head southwards.
This may be slightly unclear in the flowchart. In the part titled “Post-Game 0.12” here, there are two possible paths and you must take both (in either order)!
That means you should head south-west from the Quiet Meadow for now.
I wrote some CSS rules to do semi-automatic layout for me, and the content is written directly as HTML.
The layout is largely grid-based, but intentionally overflows containers in order to enable further relative positioning.
To my knowledge, there is no software tool that can make this sort of layout automatically for you.
I’ll ask around a bit, though. There’s a chance some visual tool exists that’s good for making this sort of thing manually.
Feels free to check the code, it’s actually pretty readable. Some things I did aren’t entirely ideal though, like how I used shearing on the connections so much.
They can be found in one of the houses near the collapsed bridge, before entering the cave. (I think you can go back to find them until you rescue the blacksmith, at which point they return to the Quiet Meadow on their own.)
Yes, once you fully catch up with the current story, you can visit the gallery on that save. The game will directly tell you how to find it once you reach that point.
Gallery unlocks are shared between saves, so if you missed anything, you can do it on an earlier save and it will unlock immediately.
(There are hints in the gallery.)
I wouldn’t recommend going for the porn out of context, as much of it doesn’t make as much sense (read: isn’t as hot) when removed from the story.
You already went all the way east and got the scene where you can’t go further, right? Try to cross the glowing sigil that you went past on the way there, where the large green slime puddle is.
I got stuck in the mission to deliver the things although I already did it with the 4 I understand although they gave me other objects that I don't know if I will use them or not. 😞
Apart from the fact that I talked to all the npc's that can be talked to and it still won't let me complete the mission.
I'm currently reconsidering whether the format is sustainable, since I most likely won't be able to update the chart before the next GROVE update arrives.
(The chart is hand-written in HTML without a visual editor, since I haven't found an editor that can do this. Unfortunately, this approach scales badly to larger charts, and each update also requires what amounts to around five or six complete playthroughs of the game. I don't currently expect to be in a position where either would be feasible for me any time soon.)
Maybe we could crowdsource this somehow? I currently don't have the time or spare energy to organise that, either, but it would be less work per person.
You can unlock the missing entries in another save file.
The unlocks are shared, so if you meet the conditions in a save that's only partway through the game, the entry will still immediately unlock in your complete save.
(Interact with each locked gallery entry if you need hints.)
Sorry for the late reply. You can get the tatters either in the badit hideout if you get captured and then escape, or alternatively you can now get them new the end of the game by synthesizing them.
(Be sure to get the pot from Bizz to enable this!)
I have a question that might help everyone who is having trouble with it. For the scenes where you must wait (example would be the fruit in the farm area) how long must you wait and after what dialogue?
It's generally under a minute until the next event triggers, and you can still move around unless you cancel the condition somehow (like by breaking out of the cell in the bandit lair).
In the case of the fruit, there is no way to cancel it after eating it, so you can continue to do whatever and it'll take effect after a delay.
Not from me. (The scenes you can find in the gallery are only a very small part of what makes this game great, and are much better when enjoyed in context.)
Just as a heads-up, I'll also delete any comment that links to such a save file here, for these reasons.
Life has been happening 🫠🫠🫠 I'm really sorry about the long delay, but currently I just can't do it. I'd need to invest about two weeks of little else to update this at the current scope, due to how much work validating every distinct possibility and connection is.
I should be able to look into how to do this more efficiently eventually, but there's a good chance I'll at best have to change the format somewhat and combine it with the next game update's updates once that's out. GROVE got considerably less linear even in 0.3 and I'm having trouble seeing how I can make the flowchart work for it in a way that's still useful.
They don't have a specific use currently, though you get a documents case badge if you collect all of them.
You could also get a Discord role that adds a small apple icon next to your name, but that's apparently only a thing for a few weeks after a major update. (The locations changed completely with the release of Dark Places.)
No news, sorry. Caught some virus so I haven't been getting a lot of work done.
Project-wise, I'm currently focusing on game development tools and infrastructure for a bit. Been having a bit of a spark of an idea, but it's a bit odd genre-wise and I haven't seen an engine that'd fit it well. Trying to make sure it turns out useful even in case the game itself is a bust…
Feel free to look at the source code for reference!
This actually isn't made using any specific tool or such, aside from VS Code, and ShareX to make the screenshots more easily. (You can predefine a screen rectangle size to capture in it. I think I scaled these down to half in the flowchart, though, which makes them less blurry on phones.)
It's really just a web page with a bit of CSS and a few spacers to make the automatic layout work, which tends to come out more reasonable than SVG.
The connectors are all manual using relative grid coordinates though, which isn't all that convenient in the long run… Maybe I'll use a little bit of JavaScript to draw them in automatically when I update this 😅
This was a challenge to myself to see if I could make this using HTML and CSS only, without using any JavaScript at all. It turned out well, but I think the game is reaching a size where that approach isn't entirely reasonable anymore.
Just before you use the explosive powder to escape the mines, there's a bat that traps you using metal bars. Talk to them through the bars and you should be able to get a Game Over that way.
I haven't started yet, I'm afraid. I haven't even managed to finish my second playthrough of 0.3 yet… 😖
This is generally not a high-priority project for me, since it's only enjoyable if I can approach it in a relaxed manner. Right now I have a pretty big pile of other somewhat pressing things to take care of, which means the flowchart update will be delayed for a while longer.
In my case, it happened when I played the translated version. Copy the setup file to the original game, load the saved file, play it, and bring it back to the problematic game, and it will be solved.
I just wanted to thank you for all of the work you've put into this guide. After investing so many hours into my first playthrough, I had no idea how much other stuff I was missing, so having this is very much appreciated. It helped me enjoy Grove even more than I already did, and I'm really looking forward to the future update. Thanks again! :D
I'm having trouble getting the blacksmith slime suit Cgs. Can anyone help me with it? what should I do after getting slime strip and rescuing Tuon? is there any corruption level required
The only requirement is doing the slime strip 'Oddity' research with Wizz, but the slime strip scene with Tuon normally becomes available only a bit later.
You'll see the slime strip placed on one of the barrels at his forge once you've progressed through the story enough.
I'm not sure. In theory there's nothing that would block it outright, though there might be an issue if you try to do it right after finishing Tuon's quest, unless that got fixed already.
Do you mean the warding sigils for the spare desert robes? You pick them up as part of the jungle quest.
If you mean the Skimpy Covers, you either have to be captured by the bandits or synthesise the material. You can then give it to Tuon and pick it up either just after the desert temple or after completing the quest in the mines (as he will be absent between then).
You get this one for getting cock-latched and then removing the Latcher.
There should be Latcher-pods that are still available after clearing the game in the north-western part of the jungle. Once one of them has latched-on, you can use the spring (just north of the first screen with the slugs) to remove it.
There's a slight scene variation for carrying two Latchers at once.
Hi! How do you increase your corruption level? Does it only increase after the path you choose and you cannot increase after the game ends? I was trying to do the 10+ corruption but I only have level 4 corruption at the end game for the update now. Thank you !
Thank you so much! I did the loop on Slime Dragon since you can do twice and TP back to the camp,rest and go to the well. pass through the bandit nest and reached the entrance by the minecart. And I finished all the scene !
Grove gets slimed during that sequence, and the suit will apply when he loses that fight (without his STM hitting 0).
There are several enemies in the game where losing to them isn't always a game-over but lets you see some slightly different events or pieces of extra content.
I need help getting the last corruption point where you re-fight a bandit after you escape the jail cell in the bandit's hideout. I've tried getting caught by the bandit who ends up guarding your belongings after you get caught but nothing seems to change. There's no new dialogue nd there isn't any corruption animation when I start the fight. Can anyone help me out?
There is no additional corruption point that way. You get both (one shortly after another) just for getting caught once and choosing the "stay a bit longer" option there. Unless I made a mistake that is.
In any case it doesn't matter much: You can farm corruption points endlessly from certain respawning enemies.
Curious where those last 2 apples are located in post game. from the thumbnail it looks like it should be near the central village or just west of the desert camp where the green slimes are. but none of the landmarks in the thumbnail fit those locations, and none of the other locations look like that. Am I just blind?
I don't really want to get too explicit about the apple locations, but these two are not exactly inside the game world itself, so it's easy to wander in circles looking for them 😉
It happens when the cutscene ends and you can start moving around in the cell, but iirc the game can stutter a bit so that it doesn't show up very well.
"In 1 and 3 preparations" after getting sigils on desert armour, before embarking to desert, you can get back to speak with Sulik for advice. And I think you get relationship progress then, because screen flashes white?
← Return to fan flowchart
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If the translation software isn’t failing me…
While there is no full walkthrough for the delivery task that I know of, you can check the deliveries in the key item inventory. The item descriptions tell you who should receive them.
how do you get slimed at the slimed dragon fight? like how do you activate that?
Their grapple causes it (instead of repeating until game-over), so the Present Yourself option is the fastest way. You may need over 50 STM initially, so that there’s no game-over from the first round.
They will also do it after stripping all armour and arousing Grove though, so once Grove’s posture is broken (<50% HP), he’s in danger of it happening involuntarily.
ok thanks! also how do you examine slime strip at smithy?
It will appear there after progressing through the game far enough (if Wizz examined it already).
and also im sorry if this is a lot of questions but how do you get >= 10 corruption before post game 0.12 or can you go back later after you have >= 10 corruption?
Some of the corruption events are repeatable, like losing to the slugs or getting slime-suited for example.
Help, Im unable to go past the part where theres the wierd purple gloop creatures, it keeps telling me to go south but, I dont know how to go south
Yes, same problem that DillPexe had. Head back to the cliffside where you first gain control of Grove at the very beginning of the game and from there you can head southwards.
Ill see if this is how it is, if so, THANK YOU
Help I'm stuck at the part where I go further North of the gulch, and the game tells me to turn back. How do I progress? I'm starting to lose my mind
This may be slightly unclear in the flowchart. In the part titled “Post-Game 0.12” here, there are two possible paths and you must take both (in either order)!
That means you should head south-west from the Quiet Meadow for now.
Thanks, man!
I just wanna know what you used to make this flowchart!
I’m sorry to disappoint, but: ShareX to make screenshots and Visual Studio Code as text editor.
I wrote some CSS rules to do semi-automatic layout for me, and the content is written directly as HTML.
The layout is largely grid-based, but intentionally overflows containers in order to enable further relative positioning.
To my knowledge, there is no software tool that can make this sort of layout automatically for you.
I’ll ask around a bit, though. There’s a chance some visual tool exists that’s good for making this sort of thing manually.
That's fine, it just looks nice!
Thanks 😊
Feels free to check the code, it’s actually pretty readable. Some things I did aren’t entirely ideal though, like how I used shearing on the connections so much.
I can't seem to find Jaler or Rinnal during the cliffside cavern portion, are they missable, or perhaps in a different section of the map?
They can be found in one of the houses near the collapsed bridge, before entering the cave. (I think you can go back to find them until you rescue the blacksmith, at which point they return to the Quiet Meadow on their own.)
Is this before the cliffside cave? I'm not sure where the houses are
Yea, theres two buildings next to the bridge thats to the right of the cliffside cave, the one on the right is the one with Jaler and his crew.
does this game have a gallery or sum??
Yes, once you fully catch up with the current story, you can visit the gallery on that save. The game will directly tell you how to find it once you reach that point.
Gallery unlocks are shared between saves, so if you missed anything, you can do it on an earlier save and it will unlock immediately.
(There are hints in the gallery.)
I wouldn’t recommend going for the porn out of context, as much of it doesn’t make as much sense (read: isn’t as hot) when removed from the story.
after you use the black underwear, how to get out from the slime forest???? im stuck
You already went all the way east and got the scene where you can’t go further, right? Try to cross the glowing sigil that you went past on the way there, where the large green slime puddle is.
I got stuck in the mission to deliver the things although I already did it with the 4 I understand although they gave me other objects that I don't know if I will use them or not. 😞
Apart from the fact that I talked to all the npc's that can be talked to and it still won't let me complete the mission.
Check the item descriptions in your key item inventory; these should say where to deliver them.
Where in the game can we find these scenes?
The first should be part of the main story, but it may depend on whether you go north or south first once you get the titanium.
For the second, lose to a Primal Jungle Slug.
any word on an update?
I'm currently reconsidering whether the format is sustainable, since I most likely won't be able to update the chart before the next GROVE update arrives.
(The chart is hand-written in HTML without a visual editor, since I haven't found an editor that can do this. Unfortunately, this approach scales badly to larger charts, and each update also requires what amounts to around five or six complete playthroughs of the game. I don't currently expect to be in a position where either would be feasible for me any time soon.)
Maybe we could crowdsource this somehow? I currently don't have the time or spare energy to organise that, either, but it would be less work per person.
I want to unlock the whole painting collection, but I can't do some of it. What should I do?
You can unlock the missing entries in another save file.
The unlocks are shared, so if you meet the conditions in a save that's only partway through the game, the entry will still immediately unlock in your complete save.
(Interact with each locked gallery entry if you need hints.)
how do i continue the story on explore the vast deserts?
I'm not entirely sure which point you mean. Is your question about a part that's still charted here, or about content from the newer update?
where do i get the tatters?
Sorry for the late reply. You can get the tatters either in the badit hideout if you get captured and then escape, or alternatively you can now get them new the end of the game by synthesizing them.
(Be sure to get the pot from Bizz to enable this!)
any word on an update?
Still very busy, but things are looking up a little. Still no ETA as there are a bunch of other things I should do first before tackling this one.
I have a question that might help everyone who is having trouble with it. For the scenes where you must wait (example would be the fruit in the farm area) how long must you wait and after what dialogue?
It's generally under a minute until the next event triggers, and you can still move around unless you cancel the condition somehow (like by breaking out of the cell in the bandit lair).
In the case of the fruit, there is no way to cancel it after eating it, so you can continue to do whatever and it'll take effect after a delay.
Not from me. (The scenes you can find in the gallery are only a very small part of what makes this game great, and are much better when enjoyed in context.)
Just as a heads-up, I'll also delete any comment that links to such a save file here, for these reasons.
Because of reasons I maaaaay wait for the update that includes the mq with the blacksmith before I continue playing grove. (I'm possessive lmao)
Thanks for this, it's very helpful for someone returning to the game
It's also still a very enjoyable game
any word on an update?
Life has been happening 🫠🫠🫠
I'm really sorry about the long delay, but currently I just can't do it. I'd need to invest about two weeks of little else to update this at the current scope, due to how much work validating every distinct possibility and connection is.
I should be able to look into how to do this more efficiently eventually, but there's a good chance I'll at best have to change the format somewhat and combine it with the next game update's updates once that's out. GROVE got considerably less linear even in 0.3 and I'm having trouble seeing how I can make the flowchart work for it in a way that's still useful.
What do I do with the green apples I get at then end of the game?
They don't have a specific use currently, though you get a documents case badge if you collect all of them.
You could also get a Discord role that adds a small apple icon next to your name, but that's apparently only a thing for a few weeks after a major update. (The locations changed completely with the release of Dark Places.)
any word on an update?
No news, sorry. Caught some virus so I haven't been getting a lot of work done.
Project-wise, I'm currently focusing on game development tools and infrastructure for a bit. Been having a bit of a spark of an idea, but it's a bit odd genre-wise and I haven't seen an engine that'd fit it well. Trying to make sure it turns out useful even in case the game itself is a bust…
howd you make this? the flowchart format is awesome and id love to use it for my own reference if it's open sourced!
Feel free to look at the source code for reference!
This actually isn't made using any specific tool or such, aside from VS Code, and ShareX to make the screenshots more easily. (You can predefine a screen rectangle size to capture in it. I think I scaled these down to half in the flowchart, though, which makes them less blurry on phones.)
It's really just a web page with a bit of CSS and a few spacers to make the automatic layout work, which tends to come out more reasonable than SVG.
The connectors are all manual using relative grid coordinates though, which isn't all that convenient in the long run… Maybe I'll use a little bit of JavaScript to draw them in automatically when I update this 😅
This was a challenge to myself to see if I could make this using HTML and CSS only, without using any JavaScript at all. It turned out well, but I think the game is reaching a size where that approach isn't entirely reasonable anymore.
Just before you use the explosive powder to escape the mines, there's a bat that traps you using metal bars.
Talk to them through the bars and you should be able to get a Game Over that way.
it be over 2 months where the update?
I haven't started yet, I'm afraid. I haven't even managed to finish my second playthrough of 0.3 yet… 😖
This is generally not a high-priority project for me, since it's only enjoyable if I can approach it in a relaxed manner. Right now I have a pretty big pile of other somewhat pressing things to take care of, which means the flowchart update will be delayed for a while longer.
It ok, take your time, Hope things get better and you are well
Hi, may I ask for some help please? I can't understand what should I do here in this bat cave. I can't open this door and do anything
That looks like a bug. Make sure you're on version 0.308 as that's the latest version.
If you could head to the discord (there's a link on the official game page), posting about this in the #bug-reports channel would be helpful.
In my case, it happened when I played the translated version. Copy the setup file to the original game, load the saved file, play it, and bring it back to the problematic game, and it will be solved.
I just wanted to thank you for all of the work you've put into this guide. After investing so many hours into my first playthrough, I had no idea how much other stuff I was missing, so having this is very much appreciated. It helped me enjoy Grove even more than I already did, and I'm really looking forward to the future update. Thanks again! :D
The only requirement is doing the slime strip 'Oddity' research with Wizz, but the slime strip scene with Tuon normally becomes available only a bit later.
You'll see the slime strip placed on one of the barrels at his forge once you've progressed through the story enough.
Is this still available after finishing the current update?
I'm not sure. In theory there's nothing that would block it outright, though there might be an issue if you try to do it right after finishing Tuon's quest, unless that got fixed already.
Any word on an update, please?
Please see here: https://itch.io/post/7183156
Hey can I ask how can I find the 3rd armor piece
Do you mean the warding sigils for the spare desert robes? You pick them up as part of the jungle quest.
If you mean the Skimpy Covers, you either have to be captured by the bandits or synthesise the material. You can then give it to Tuon and pick it up either just after the desert temple or after completing the quest in the mines (as he will be absent between then).
Can't wait to see the flowchart be updated to v0.300!
Me either 😊
It will take some time though. I can do this fairly efficiently, but it's still hard work and GROVE's gotten more complex with the update than ever.
More details here: https://qazm.itch.io/a-grove-timeline/devlog/477590/v03-update-plans
Hey, will there be a GROVE timline as of v0.300 (Dark Places)?
Short answer: Yes if I can help it (and very gladly, because I love the update).
The long answer is a bit more complicated: https://qazm.itch.io/a-grove-timeline/devlog/477590/v03-update-plans
TL;DR: It will likely not arrive in one piece, and the guide updates could take a while, both for me starting them and for catching up to the game again.
Thank you for information! :)
Hi, how do I unlock this memory?
You get this one for getting cock-latched and then removing the Latcher.
There should be Latcher-pods that are still available after clearing the game in the north-western part of the jungle. Once one of them has latched-on, you can use the spring (just north of the first screen with the slugs) to remove it.
There's a slight scene variation for carrying two Latchers at once.
Hi! How do you increase your corruption level?
Does it only increase after the path you choose and you cannot increase after the game ends?
I was trying to do the 10+ corruption but I only have level 4 corruption at the end game for the update now.
Thank you !
Certain enemies can give you corruption after playing through the game:
Both of these actions lower STM, so be careful you don't get a game-over and lose your progress. Buy a few STM-restoring items if you have the funds.
You can gain more corruption on each trip using the Skimpy Covers (bandit "armour"), as they increase Grove's max-STM a bit.
Thank you so much! I did the loop on Slime Dragon since you can do twice and TP back to the camp,rest and go to the well. pass through the bandit nest and reached the entrance by the minecart. And I finished all the scene !
Grove gets slimed during that sequence, and the suit will apply when he loses that fight (without his STM hitting 0).
There are several enemies in the game where losing to them isn't always a game-over but lets you see some slightly different events or pieces of extra content.
I need help getting the last corruption point where you re-fight a bandit after you escape the jail cell in the bandit's hideout. I've tried getting caught by the bandit who ends up guarding your belongings after you get caught but nothing seems to change. There's no new dialogue nd there isn't any corruption animation when I start the fight. Can anyone help me out?
There is no additional corruption point that way. You get both (one shortly after another) just for getting caught once and choosing the "stay a bit longer" option there. Unless I made a mistake that is.
In any case it doesn't matter much: You can farm corruption points endlessly from certain respawning enemies.
Curious where those last 2 apples are located in post game. from the thumbnail it looks like it should be near the central village or just west of the desert camp where the green slimes are. but none of the landmarks in the thumbnail fit those locations, and none of the other locations look like that. Am I just blind?
I don't really want to get too explicit about the apple locations, but these two are not exactly inside the game world itself, so it's easy to wander in circles looking for them 😉
i diddnt get the bandit cell escapw corruption change? got one for staying a bit longer, but not cell
It happens when the cutscene ends and you can start moving around in the cell, but iirc the game can stutter a bit so that it doesn't show up very well.
"In 1 and 3 preparations" after getting sigils on desert armour, before embarking to desert, you can get back to speak with Sulik for advice. And I think you get relationship progress then, because screen flashes white?
If you think so, you could add this to graph.
I made a note of it in the project files and will look into it for the next update, thanks!